Removes an action item from the given menu in the Twin Activate user interface. removemenuitem is only available in the Twin Activate GUI.
removemenuitem(rbname, name, removeparentifempty)
removemenuitem(uiAction, removeparentifempty)
- rbname
- The name of the ribbon menu.
- name
- The name of the action item.
- removeparentifempty
- An optional argument. If true, removes the parent if it's the only item. Default = false.
- uiAction
- The handle to the action.
pm=addribbonmenu('Test'); % create a 'Test' ribbon page as menu
ab = addmenuitem(pm,'Show Test Label','Show Test','HandleTest','','');
ac = addmenuitem('Test','Show Test Label 1', 'Show Test 1','HandleTest_1','','');
% create popup menus
pp=addpopupmenu('Test', 'Test 2'); % create a sub popup menu "Test 2" under ribbon page 'Test'
pp1=addpopupmenu(pp, 'Test 3'); % create a popup menu 'Test 3' under ribbon page 'Test'
% create a menu actions with label 'Show Test Label 2' and name 'Show Test 2' under sub popup menu 'Test 2'
ad = addmenuitem(pp,'Show Test Label 2','Show Test 2','HandleTest_2','A test 2 menu action','clicked Test 2');
% create a menu actions with label 'Show Test Label 3' and name 'Show Test 3' under sub popup menu 'Test 3'
ae = addmenuitem(pp1,'Show Test Label 3','Show Test 3','HandleTest_3','A test 3 menu action','clicked Test 3');
function HandleTest()
disp('Show Test is handled');
function HandleTest_1()
disp('Show Test 1 is handled');
function HandleTest_2()
disp('Show Test 2 is handled');
function HandleTest_3()
disp('Show Test 3 is handled');
removemenuitem('Test','Show Test Label 1'); % remove action by specifying action label
removemenuitem(ad); % remove by handle